* 宮保雞丁(Kung Pao Chicken)
* 麻婆豆腐(Mapo Tofu)
* 魚香肉絲(Yuxiang Shredded Pork)
* 黑椒牛柳(Black Pepper Beef Strips)
* 回鍋肉(Stir-Fried Pork Chops with Eggplant)
* 蚝油生菜(Oyster Sauce Green Beans)
* 螞蟻上樹(Annie On the Rocks)
* 酸辣土豆絲(Spicy and Sour Shredded Potatoes)
* 番茄炒蛋(Fried Egg with Tomato)
* 蚝油青瓜(Oyster Sauce Green黃瓜)
* 素炒豆芽(Simple Sautéed Bean Sprouts)
* 皮蛋瘦肉粥(Pork and Preserved Dish Stew with Rice)
* 揚州炒飯(Yangzhou Fried Rice)
* 牛肉燉土豆(Beef and Potato Stew)
* 土豆燉牛肉(Beef and Potato Stew)