英文名言 學習


1. "Education is the kindling of a flame, not the filling of a pail." - William Butler Yeats

2. "Learning is the eye of knowledge."

3. "Knowledge is power, but wisdom is power management." - Unknown

4. "To learn is to know that you don't know everything, and to know that there's always something to learn." - Unknown

5. "Education is the ability to listen to anyone, understand anything, and learn from anything." - Zig Ziglar

6. "Learning is not complete until you can teach what you have learned to others." - Will Smith

7. "The best way to learn is by teaching yourself, and the best way to teach yourself is by asking questions." - Unknown

8. "Education is the path to success, and learning is the key to unlock that path." - Unknown

9. "Learning is not about the destination, but about the journey." - Unknown
