

1. "Today is tomorrow's yesterday."(珍惜當下,活在當下)

2. "Be where your heart is today, tomorrow may not exist."(珍惜當下的每一刻,因為明天或許不會再來)

3. "The best way to live is to live in the present."(珍惜現在,活在當下)

4. "The present moment is the only moment that exists."(珍惜當下時刻)

5. "The present moment is the key to happiness."(珍惜當下,才能獲得幸福)

6. "Live in the moment, for tomorrow may never come."(活在當下,因為明天或許不會再來)

7. "It's only now, it's only today. Cherish it."(只有現在,只有今天,珍惜它)

8. "Today is a gift, let's make the most of it."(今天是一份禮物,讓我們好好珍惜它)

9. "Take each day as it comes, and you'll never regret anything."(珍惜每一天,就不會後悔)

10. "Life is like a box of chocolates, you never know what you're gonna get, but always enjoy the moment."(珍惜當下,享受每一刻)
