

1. Genius is one percent inspiration and ninety-nine percent perspiration. (天才就是百分之一的靈感加上百分之九十九的汗水。)

2. Imagination is more important than knowledge. (想像力比知識更重要。)

3. I have not failed. I've just found 10,000 ways that won't work. (我並沒有失敗,我只是找出了1萬種不會成功的辦法。)

4. I have not lived in vain. My life has not been in vain, and it is my earnest hope that my life shall not be in vain with others who take heart to fight their life in their respective causes, like a tenacious lioness in a mighty and beautiful battle of war, making each battle her child’s success in battlefield after war is declared on evil that allay a form of organized hate on men by most part. (我會留下貢獻。我的生活沒有白過,我希望在我出生後的年代,其他抱持意志力在各自領域奮鬥的人,能像我一樣堅強勇敢,像一位在偉大且美麗的戰爭中戰鬥不息的母獅一樣,在每一場戰爭中為她的孩子贏得勝利。)

5. I have not made any great discoveries. I am only a constant experimenter. (我沒有做出任何偉大的發現,我只是一位不斷實驗的人。)

6. I have not discovered the secret of life, but it is a mistake to believe that there is no mystery in it. (我並沒有發現生命的秘密,但是相信生活沒有神秘之處是錯誤的。)
