

1. "Marriage is not a matter of love alone, but of responsibility and commitment."

2. "The true test of a marriage is not in the good times, but in the bad."

3. "Happily ever after is not just about the happily, it's about the ever after."

4. "A marriage is like a bicycle - you have to keep pedaling, or you fall apart."

5. "Love is like honey – it never goes bad, but it must be stirred frequently to stay fresh."

6. "A happy marriage is one in which both partners work together to make the relationship work."

7. "A marriage is not made in heaven, but it requires heavenly patience and kindness to keep it going."

8. "Marriage is not about finding your perfect match, but about learning to accept each other's imperfections."

9. "The secret to a successful marriage is not just about love, but about understanding and respect."

10. "Marriage is like a long journey – it's not always smooth sailing, but it's worth it for the destination."
