

1. 副學士學位(Associate Degree):

* 商科副學士(Associate of Business)

* 工程副學士(Associate of Engineering)

* 計算機科學副學士(Associate of Science in Computer Science)

* 建築副學士(Associate of Architecture)

* 健康科學副學士(Associate of Health Science)

* 藝術與設計副學士(Associate of Arts and Design)

2. 證書課程:

* 商業證書(Certificate in Business)

* 工程證書(Certificate in Engineering)

* 計算機科學證書(Certificate in Computer Science)

* 建築證書(Certificate in Architecture)

* 健康科學證書(Certificate in Health Science)

3. 專業課程:

* 護理專業副學士(Associate of Applied Science in Nursing)

* 商業管理副學士(Associate of Applied Science in Business Management)

* 工程技術與計算機科學副學士(Associate of Applied Science in Engineering Technology and Computer Science)
