

1. "Art is the人格之鏡." - William Hazlitt

2. "Painting is not an afterthought; it must be fundamental." - Edward Hopper

3. "The artist is the reflection of the world in time and space." - Georgia O'Keeffe

4. "Art is a mirror down which to see oneself." - Jean Cocteau

5. "The artist is a prisoner of his own invention." - Pablo Picasso

6. "Art is not what you see, but what you make others see." - Vincent van Gogh

7. "Art is the immortal spirit of life, seeking and creating its own forms." - John Ruskin

8. "The artist is a creator, a builder, a transformer of reality." - T.S. Eliot

9. "Art is not a mirror held up to the world, but a mirror held up to ourselves." - Oscar Wilde

10. "The best art is the most honest art, for it tells us more about the artist than about any other subject." - Mark Twain
