

1. "Love is not only a sentiment but also an art." (Shakespeare)

2. "Love is blind and cannot see." (Shakespeare)

3. "Beauty is in the eye of the beholder." (Shakespeare)

4. "Love is a sweet tyranny, for it is a tyranny indeed, yet a blessed one." (Shakespeare)

5. "Love is a flower, which opens and blossoms only with the sunshine of the heart." (Shakespeare)

6. "Love is not only a sentiment but also a habit." (Shakespeare)

7. "True love never grows old, but always remains fresh and beautiful." (Shakespeare)

8. "For in love, there is nothing but what bewilders the understanding and all nerves." (Shakespeare)

9. "All love ends in sadness." (Shakespeare)

10. "In this world, there is no constant but change; and no permanent state but love." (Shakespeare)
