

1. A friend is a second self. (朋友是另一個自我。)

2. A life without a friend is a life without a sun. (人生沒有朋友就如同人生沒有太陽。)

3. A true friend is known by the time, not by the chance meeting. (真正的朋友在關鍵時刻才會顯現出來,而不是在偶然的相遇中得知。)

4. Friendship is like money, it must be given before you can have it. (友誼就像金錢一樣,必須先給予然後再得到。)

5. Friendship is the golden thread that runs through life's silver moments. (友誼是一條金線,串起了生命中的點點滴滴。)

6. A friend in need is a friend indeed. (患難見真情。)

7. A true friend sticks closer than a brother. (真正的朋友比親人還要親密。)

8. Friendship is like money, it needs to be handled with care. (友誼就像金錢一樣,需要謹慎處理。)

9. A friend without faults will never be found. (沒有缺點的朋友是永遠找不到的。)

10. A life without a friend is incomplete. (沒有朋友的人生是不完整的。)
