

1. "With his cheek propped on his hand, he fell into a doze and dreamed he was being chased by a gigantic monster through a labyrinth of thorny undergrowth." (The Once and Future King, "The Sword in the Stone")

2. "They both turned their eyes to the sink where they saw the washing of dishes. He leaned on his elbow and looked over at her." (The Catcher in the Rye)

3. "They rode along the seashore for hours, looking at the waves and talking about everything under the sun." (Treasure Island)

4. "She was a tall, thin girl with a face like a death's-head, and she had a habit of saying 'Oh, bother!' in a high, thin voice." (The Hollow Men)

以上片段分別出自《王者歸來》(The Once and Future King)、《麥田裡的守望者》(The Catcher in the Rye)、《金銀島》(Treasure Island)和《空心人》(The Hollow Men)。
