英文名句 友情


1. "A friend in need is a friend indeed."(患難見真交)

2. "Friendship is like a tree which never withers."(友誼像長青樹永不凋零)

3. "Without friendship, life is a journey lonesome and devoid of purpose."(沒有朋友,生命就像是一次孤獨而沒有目的的旅程)

4. "Friendship is like wine, it grows better with age."(友誼像酒,隨著時間的推移而變得更加醇厚)

5. "A man is known by the company he keeps."(一個人的為人,可以從他所交往的朋友看出)

6. "A true friend is one who walks in the valley of the shadow of death and sings a song when he meets you again."(真正的朋友是在死亡的陰影中同行,再見面時唱歌的人。)

7. "The best friend is the one who sees the worst in you and loves you anyway."(最好的朋友是看到你最糟糕的一面,仍然愛你的人。)

8. "True friendship is like gold, purified by fire, nurtured by time, and transformed by love."(真正的友誼就像經過火煉的純金,在時間的滋養下成長,並在愛中轉變。)
