

1. "Self-discipline is the key to success."(自律是成功的關鍵。)

2. "Constant practice of self-discipline brings mastery."(持續自律的練習會帶來精通。)

3. "Perseverance in self-discipline leads to victory."(自律中的毅力會帶來勝利。)

4. "Self-discipline is the pathway to personal growth."(自律是個人成長的必經之路。)

5. "Without self-discipline, there is no success."(沒有自律,就沒有成功。)

6. "Self-discipline is the bridge between goals and accomplishment."(自律是將目標與成就之間的橋樑。)

7. "Self-discipline is the strength to achieve what others cannot imagine."(自律是實現別人無法想像的事情的力量。)

8. "Success is not final, failure is not fatal: It is the courage to continue that counts."(自律就是有勇氣繼續前行。)

9. "Those who are passionate in their pursuits and have self-discipline are destined to succeed."(對目標充滿熱情,又擁有自律的人注定會成功。)

10. "It is not the strength to climb that determines success, but the determination and self-discipline to keep going when everything seems to be against you."(決定成功的不是力量,而是在一切看似不利的情況下,堅持下去的決心和自律。)