聖經英文名 女仔


1. Bible(聖經)

2. Holy Scripture(神聖的經文)

3. The Holy Scriptures(神聖的經文)

4. The Word of God(神的話語)

5. The Book of God(上帝之書)

6. The Book of Salvation(救贖之書)

7. The Christian Bible(基督教聖經)

8. The Old Testament(舊約全集)

9. The New Testament(新約全集)

10. The Tanakh(塔納赫,猶太教聖經)


1. A Woman's Bible(女性聖經)

2. A Gender Inclusive Bible(性別包容聖經)

3. A Female Reader's Digest Version of the Bible(女性《讀者文摘》聖經譯本)

4. A Feminist Version of the Bible(女權主義聖經譯本)

5. Women's Voices in the Bible(聖經中的女性聲音)
