

1. “Science is like a path of gold, but it is surrounded by so much darkness that we cannot see it.” - Marie Curie

2. “Discovery means seeing what everybody has seen, but still believing there is something else to find.” - Arthur Compton

3. “Science is the great lamp of human progress.” - Galileo Galilei

4. “Science without religion is lame, religion without science is blind.” - Einstein

5. “The scientist is a thinking man or woman who has come to realize that the universe is not the center of attention.” - Richard Feynman

6. “The scientist is a person who has learned to keep an open mind and a questioning spirit, who welcomes the new and different, and who is willing to learn from his or her mistakes.” - Carl Sagan

7. “The most beautiful emotion is the experience of the mystery.” - Marie Curie

8. “Science is not only about facts, it’s about discovering new ones.” - Neil deGrasse Tyson

9. “The scientist is always looking for new questions to answer.” - Isaac Newton

10. “The best way to predict the future is to invent it.” - Thomas Alva Edison
