

1. Worry - 擔憂、憂慮

* Concerns

* Anxieties

* Worries

* Troubles

2. Anxiety - 焦慮、不安

* Fear

* Nervousness

* Worrying

* Unease

3. Frustration - 挫敗、沮喪

* Disappointment

* Frustrations

* Bummed out

* Down in the dumps

4. Troubles - 煩惱、困擾

* Complications

* Problems

* Headaches

* Woes

5. Sorrow - 悲傷、悲痛

* Sorrows

* Grief

* Melancholy

* Heartache

6. Blues - 憂鬱、沮喪

* Low spirits

* Down in the dumps

* Gloom

* Bluesy mood

7. Grief - 悲痛、哀悼

* Mourning

* Loss

* Heartache

* Sadness

8. Worrywart - 憂慮症患者、焦慮症患者

* Worrier than others

* Anxiety-ridden person

* Worry-monger

* Obsessive worrier

9. Mental Health - 心理健康、精神健康

* Mental wellbeing

* Emotional stability

* Mental fitness

* Mental health condition

10. Emotional state - 情緒狀態、情感狀況

* Moodiness

* Emotional ups and downs

* Upset state of mind

* Anxious or unhappy state of mind。