

1. Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world.(教育是你能用來改變世界的最有力的武器。)

2. For too long, we have not recognized our interdependence on each other and on the natural world all around us. Now, the time has come for us to rediscover the true meaning of community and to embrace a new era of global cooperation.(長期以來,我們一直沒有認識到我們彼此之間以及我們周圍自然世界的相互依存關係。現在,我們重新發現社區真正含義的時候到了,我們必須擁抱一個全球合作的新時代。)

3. Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. We fear that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our love and our capacity for love that sets us free.(我們最恐懼的,不是我們能力不足,而是我們潛藏的、無比巨大的力量。正是這愛和力量的源泉,讓我們獲得自由。)

4. For too long we have not recognized that each of us holds within ourselves the answers to ending poverty, disease, and want. We must embrace a new spirit of responsibility, of service, that calls upon each of us to take action and make a difference in our own communities and around the world.(我們長久以來都沒有認識到,每個人內心深處都擁有終結貧困、疾病和匱乏的答案。我們必須接受一種新的責任感和服務精神,這種精神要求我們每個人在自己的社區乃至全世界採取行動,創造改變。)

5. Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world, but it takes courage to use it.(教育是你用來改變世界的最有力的武器,但是使用它需要勇氣。)
