

子時 (23:00-00:59):Hour of the Rat

丑時 (01:00-02:59):Hour of the Ox

寅時 (03:00-04:59):Hour of the Tiger

卯時 (05:00-06:59):Hour of the Rabbit

辰時 (07:00-08:59):Hour of the Dragon

巳時 (09:00-10:59):Hour of the Snake

午時 (11:00-12:57):Hour of the Horse and Ram

未時 (13:00-14:57):Hour of the Goat and Monkey

申時 (15:00-16:57):Hour of the Rabbit and Tiger

酉時 (17:00-18:57):Hour of the Rooster and Dog

戌時 (19:00-20:57):Hour of the Tiger and Horse

亥時 (21:00-22:57):Hour of the Rat, Ox, Tiger, and Pig
