

1. "Failure is the pathway to greatness; it's what we make of it that counts." -Anonymous

2. "Life is a series of failures and successes, each of which teaches us a lesson." -Henry Ford

3. "Achievement is not the result of luck or of gifts; it is the result of unflagging effort, persistence, and the relentless pursuit of a goal." -Dale Carnegie

4. "It is not the size of the obstacle that matters, but the determination to climb over it." -Anonymous

5. "Adversity is like water: some people sink, some people swim, and some people rise to the occasion." -Unknown

6. "When you fall, don't let it be an end; let it be a new beginning." -Unknown

7. "In the face of adversity, it is our attitude that determines our altitude." -Zig Ziglar

8. "When you're knocked down, get up again, never lie down." -Muhammad Ali

9. "Adversity is the mother of success." -Lucius Annaeus Seneca

10. "Life is like a box of chocolates; you never know what you're gonna get. And when things get tough, remember that the dark moments bring out the best in us." -Robert Shaw
