

1. Time is money.(時間就是金錢。)

2. Make time for what is important.(把時間花在重要的事情上。)

3. Waste not time; time is nowrapper.(不要浪費時間,因為時間就是金錢。)

4. Time flies.(光陰似箭。)

5. There is no time like the present.(現在的時間最寶貴。)

6. Use time well, or you will regret later.(珍惜時間,否則以後會後悔。)

7. Time is a precious gift, use it well.(時間是寶貴的禮物,要好好利用。)

8. Time is a great healer.(時間是最好的治癒師。)

9. Never put off till tomorrow what can be done today.(今日事,今日畢。)

10. Don't let today slip by without taking advantage of it.(不要讓今天白白溜走,要好好把握。)
