

1. 步步為營 - Step by Step

2. 一舉兩得 - Double Win

3. 畫蛇添足 - Drawing a Snake with Feet

4. 見風使舵 - Turning with the Wind

5. 空口無憑 - Word of Mouth

6. 鷸蚌相爭 - The Stalked Catching the Prey

7. 暗度陳倉 - Secretly Cross the River

8. 城門失火,殃及池魚 - The City Gate Burns, Affecting the Pond Fish

9. 狐假虎威 - Fox Dressed as Tiger, Lording It Over the Beasts

10. 一箭雙鵰 - Two Birds with One Arrow

11. 以逸待勞 - Waiting in Idleness for the Enemy's Fatigue

12. 馬到成功 - Success at the First Step

13. 一舉成名 - Rise to Fame in One Go

14. 以柔克剛 - Soft Holding Strong

15. 指鹿為馬 - Identifying a Donkey as a Horse
