1. Numbers:
* Set of numbers: Set
* Group of numbers: Group
* Collection of numbers: Collection
2. Fractions:
* Fraction with a common denominator: Fractional
* Fraction with mixed numbers: Mixed fraction
3. Integers:
* Positive integers: Positive whole numbers
* Negative integers: Negative whole numbers
4. Rational numbers:
* Rational number with a denominator: Rational number with a denominator
* Rational number with a common denominator: Rational number with a common denominator
5. Real numbers:
* Real number: Real number (also Real number with a decimal point)
* Real number with a decimal point: Decimal real number
6. Complex numbers:
* Complex number: Complex number (also Complex number with a real and imaginary part)
* Complex number with a real and imaginary part: Complex plane (also Plane complex number)