

1. 宙斯(Zeus):King of the Gods

2. 赫拉(Hera):Queen of the Gods

3. 波塞冬(Poseidon):God of the Sea

4. 雅典娜(Athena):Goddess of Wisdom and War

5. 阿波羅(Apollo):God of Light and Music

6. 阿爾忒彌斯(Artemis):Goddess of the Hunt and Chastity

7. 哈迪斯(Hades):God of the Underworld

8. 德墨忒爾(Demeter):Goddess of Agriculture

9. 蓋亞(Gaea):Mother Earth

10. 尼克斯(Nyx):Night Goddess

11. 厄洛斯(Eros):God of Love

12. 梅耳珀彌妮(Melpomene):Goddess of Tragedy

13. 狄俄尼索斯(Dionysus):God of Wine and Rebellion

14. 阿瑞斯(Ares):God of War

15. 赫菲斯托斯(Hephaestus):Smith God

16. 普魯托(Pluto):God of Gold

17. 卡爾波(Charon):Ferryman who transported the dead across the river Styx
