堅持 英文名言


1. Perseverance is not giving up when you don't achieve your goal, but keeping going and trying again the next day.

2. Constant dripping wears away a stone. 滴水穿石。

3. Constant effort is required to make progress. 進步需要不斷的努力。

4. A man can't ride your back unless you're willing to carry him. 不願做你的負擔,別人不會踩著你的肩膀走過去。

5. I will persist until I succeed. 除非成功,否則決不放棄。

6. It is not so much for a man to live, as for him to continue to live that others may live. 一個人能活著,為的是別人可以活著。

7. Patience is bitter, but its fruit is sweet. 忍耐是痛苦的,但它的結果是甜美的。

8. If you can't be a pine on the summit of the world, be a scrub in the valley-but a constant growth! 如果你不能成為山頂的一棵松,就成為山谷中的一叢灌木,但要生長成一棵常青樹!
