

1. The Boy Who Cried Wolf (喊狼的男孩)

2. The Lion and the Mouse(獅子與老鼠)

3. The Tortoise and the Hare(烏龜與兔子)

4. The Donkey and His Burden(驢與他的負擔)

5. The Farmer and the Snake(農夫與蛇)

6. The Hare and the Tortoise: Second Try(再次提及的兔子和烏龜)

7. The Thirsty Pigeon(口渴的鴿子)

8. The Ugly Duckling(醜小鴨)

9. The Sick Lion(病獅)

10. The Boy and the Blindman's Bag(男孩與盲人袋)
